new iphone 5 pictures. thatWay, way, way too much money for what you get. I was hoping they would release a simple, thinner laptop that was going to be cheap and finally compete with Dell/Gateway/HP
iphone 5 4 inch displaynotice the row of 'page pips' just above the dock. The 'Spotlight' pip is missing, lending credence that this is the 'prototype' device shown in the earlier videos demonstrating an Expose-like multitasking interface which has assumed the spotlight search facility. =p
new iphone 5 release dateGjennom EØS ( :(
Øv pis! Dumme Nordmand! I skal altid ødelægge det, når vi andre har det sjovt! :p
Nah, I just hope Apple passes, like in France...:rolleyes:
New iPhone 5 – New iPhone 5I'm starting to doubt page 1 rumors just as much as I doubt Page 2 rumors. Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2. If you don't have direct sources, (as rumors on other websites would be,) it does not belong on page 1. By your own standards.
Just because it's getting a lot of talk, and Engadget claims their sources are good, is no reason to upgrade it to page 1 status. (Heck, the iWalk got a lot of talk back in the day, and SpyMac claimed their sources were good. That didn't make it true.)
I think you're looking for better known as
iphone 5 pics. New iPhone 5tbobmccoy
Mar 24, 04:16 PM
Personally, I liked OS X 10.4 the best. My first Mac OS and I'll always have a special place in my heart for Tiger :cool:
them for the new iPhone.Apple 26.2
Mar 24, 03:18 PM
El numero diez para el OS X... felicidades!
new iphone 5 pics.sartinsauce
Oct 10, 10:17 PM
i made a quick mockup of what it could be like, i left out some details. I changed the dvd icon to a mail/gtube one(youtube) because it supossdly has wi-fi.....opinions?
Dude, you gotta learn to spell!
Apple iPhone 5 gets Septembersaberahul
Mar 18, 05:18 PM
... another thread turned into a bash fight.
iPhone 5 to be announcedgnasher729
Oct 5, 05:25 PM
How so. Please elaborate?
The decryption keys are everywhere and not top secret. Each iPod and iTunes has access to them. If you can get your hands on them you have something like hymn or FairKeys. Where does one get the encryption key?
EDIT: BTW I'm quite serious, if I got it wrong please help me understand where you're coming from.
Ok. Explain how Jon from Norway has now for the second time managed to crack Apple's _encryption_ and nobody has yet found any way to crack the _decryption_? (For those who don't remember, the encryption between Mac and Airtunes has been cracked, and now the encryption method of iTunes songs has apparently been cracked).
about what new iPhone 5
PC Deluxe Edition. Amazing game.
As well as my 750GB Scorpio Black 7200 RPM
New iPhone 5 Rumors : 2011Some_Big_Spoon
Apr 29, 09:28 PM
Agreed. I'm not sure what the motivation in having such highly-stylized, and ill-fitting UI's are, but they're eyesores, and very difficult to use. I've switched off, and reverted to the "classic" views wherever possible in Lion.
I noticed most of the criticism stems from the changes in iCal and Address Book which are both disgusting. Sadly they havent changed yet
iphone 5 speaker leak 1Rodimus Prime
Oct 6, 04:25 PM
I still disagree with you. The device is material. The network is supposed to be invisible. You're not supposed to notice the network. AT&T's service isn't great, but I'll put up with it to use the device of my choice.
The mobile industry has a strange business model compared to other industries. You don't buy a desktop computer that you can only use on one ISP or a car that you can only fill up at particular gas stations (excluding electric). However, If these industries were to operate this way, I still think people would go for the product over the commodity.
To me, and apparently many others, mobile service is just a commodity. Some may be a bit better than others, but in the end you're getting a comparable service. The devices, on the other hand, vary. And, yes, I still think the iPhone was game changing. All I remember before January 2007 were RAZRs and Chocolates. Unintuitive text-based interfaces with linear button-mashing controls in a hyped-up shell.
I think your arugument would be valid if phones were not subsudized and you have to buy them at full price. Because AT&T in this case is paying Apple $400 per phone you should choose a network first.
If ISP were footing the bill for desktop then Verizon add still would work but for cell phones most of the cost of the phone is paid by the networks. Not the other way around.
new iphone 5 pictures.With my flame suit on, i say this...
I might have done the same thing as the OP.
Regarding the kid, well, its probably a part time job for him. Furthermore, how much can BestBuy possibly be paying him? He could probably earn more if he worked else where. :)
Truth be told alot of people in this thread would've. People are quick to say what they will and won't do AFTER the situation, but had the opportunity presented not many would've passed on it.
New iPhone 5 – New iPhone 5Eraserhead
Mar 4, 05:47 PM
It does not.
To expand.
According to:
Only 18 teachers have been sacked in the UK for incompetence over the past 40 years. You could increase that figure by 500x or something and even at that level it would be extremely difficult for the unions to get public sympathy for teachers being treated badly. Given there are half a million teachers in the UK, even with 500x more of them being fired for incompetence that would still only be 225 a year or 0.05% of them a year.
There is no way that the unions have that kind of power - I think its far more likely to be down to too much bureaucracy.
Teachers on average make more than private sector employees. The average in Ohio is $50,314, source
But you of course have to take education levels into account, so that isn't even true.
The two economists work out the fraction of American workers� pay that cannot be explained by factors such as differences in education and experience. This �wage premium� reflects the extent to which workers have been able to extract more pay than is merited by their qualifications. Those who believe that America�s state workers are vastly overpaid will be surprised to learn that this premium is in fact higher in the private sector than in the public sector in many American states. But states where the opposite is true are ones like California, Florida and New York
new iphone 5 pics.darkplanets
Apr 17, 11:05 AM
Our troop casualties are staggering (nearly 32,000 injured in Iraq in addition to the 4,000 dead and over 10,000 injured along with 1,500 dead in Afghanistan).
Sorry to be the insensitive bastard, but 32k injured is hardly staggering. This isn't even comparable to a real war-time situation; 4k dead soldiers is but a drop in the bucket relative to past wars, declared or otherwise.
Again, if you want to solve the security problem, excess scanners is not the answer; profiling is. It's not that hard.
new iphone 5 pictures.8CoreWhore
May 2, 02:22 PM
Not that I really care about the tracking services...but I wonder if Apple will skip the 3G again with this update...
If not, encrypt your backups in iTunes on your computer (that's where the greatest threat lies).
new iphone 5 pics.Ooooh! great, it will be good to get the points on our team from that 465!
thanks. so far this thing is smoking. but it is using different units. i'm not sure what the ppd for the card itself is, but it's gotta be 10K ppd or more.
2 more :eek: farout man! how do you afford all that hahaha!
well only 1 465 gtx. the other was just another 9800 GT. but when i run 3 of them in the same computer, one of them overheats - to 104C! but if i take one out, then it runs fine
iPhone 5pondosinatra
Sep 30, 09:26 AM
He sure loves pocket doors...
new iphone 5 photos. theThe Phazer
May 3, 03:02 PM
Users can of course work around carrier restrictions with methods known as "sideloading" that allow users to install apps through unapproved sources, but most casual users are undoubtedly sticking to mainstream, authorized marketplaces such as the Android Market for their needs.
Hmm, I find this highly doubtful to be honest. Aside from anyone who's bought a locked down Android phone that doesn't allow sideloading, I would expect that nearly everyone uses it.
I don't have the same story or friends like you do, so no. In Los Angeles/Orange County, Apple Stores are abundant and within a 20 miles from each other it seems. I do have some people glance at my phone from time to time especially when I am at MetroPCS paying my dad's phone bill. LOL. I don't really care for the attention and keep it incognito most of the time next to my waist.
But your story doesn't surprise especially if you can come from the UK. iPhone did slip out of the TOP 5 in sales last year. I believe the HTC Desire was the most popular one. One of my favorite reviewers from the UK is James Whatley. He reminds me of Brandon Flowers from The Killers. He despises Apple with a passion. He works for Nokia now, so call him one of those diehard Nokians.
I think most of the hatred isn't at the iPhone at all but at Apple. No different than hating the Lakers or Yankees. It is too damn popular and people just end up getting sick of it altogether. Not everybody wants to follow the iSheep. People yearn for their own individuality and don't always want something everybody and their grandma has. Think different, remember? In a few years, people will get sick of Android and WP7 too once they start to decline in popularity. All cycles. There was a time when people laughed at Nintendo and are now hip for the casual masses. Every company has their ups and downs. I see the cell phone market similar to the video game market. You build a platform and try to see to sell it fast to attract software developers. Eventually, it declines and you either rest on your laurels for it to become played out or you take the next jump and hope it doesn't alienate your core audience. Sometimes it does just like it does for many popular rock bands. They change it up too much with their music that people can't accept the change anymore. Or you rest on your laurels and become what Nokia and RIM have been the last couple years.
By 2020, who knows if any of them will still exist or be the most popular OS out there? Every product line can die out eventually. And if they did still exist, it won't be how we see them now.
Here's to a ripe Apple Wednesday morning, followed by a Liverpool win.
Yep, love my "New Hardware Wednesdays." Followed by "Watch Keynote Wednesday Afternoons whilst downloading new versions of software and saving pdf files of every new hardware page."
I agree it was immature.
Still, it probably will lead vendors to 'secure' their sets in the future, and the fact that it was so obnoxious and obvious means it's very unlikely this sort of vulnerability will present itself next year.
Jul 21, 12:40 PM
But Apple admitted that it DOES drop more calls than 3GS.
They spun it as "less than 1 per 100", but assuming all 3,000,000 iPhone 4 users make about 5 calls per day, that's over ONE MILLION dropped calls per week MORE than iPhone 3GS.[/I]
That total number is meaningless to the end user. The Average user will make 100 calls on a 4 and 100 on a 3GS and not see a difference.
It's also a number that could change from week to week depending on all sorts of nebulous factors. This week the stats might favor the 4 by 1 call for all you know.
I thought the iPod succeeded due to integration with an online music source, as well as finally being a useable HD based mp3 player.
I wasn't aware computing had changed. Please detail this.
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